Contributed by traveller Russell, who is a spontaneous traveller – ever ready to pack-up and heads off on an adventure. A history buff, soccer fan, and an enthusiast of different cultures as well as hidden gems, he enjoys visiting non-commercialised places as it allows him to experience day-to-day living like a local while immersing himself in their favourites.
At the start of the pandemic last year, I posted a picture on my Instagram Stories on the first day of the ‘Movement Control Order’ which all Malaysians had to comply with. Like the rest of the world, this order was a nationwide lockdown to help flatten the Covid-19 curve as the virus was raging in the country. The post was simple yet meaningful. It was a picture of our Malaysian flag that was flying high. It was to denote that we can overcome anything, as long as we stay united. It also sparked a sense of optimism to the situation.
Anxiety due to the unknown, fatigue, and sleepless nights were some of the things many of us would’ve experienced during the lockdown. Weeks passed, three months to be exact (which felt like an eternity) and our nation finally heaved a sigh of relief as the daily cases were down to single digits. As we saw this ray of light, deep in our hearts, many vouched to never experience that ever again.
READ MORE: Traveller Russell has shared his travel experience with us before about being a local tourist in Malaysia
However today, nearly a year later, to what feels like deja vu, we’re back in another lockdown. This time around, the pandemic is far worse than last year and our healthcare system is at a breaking point. The alarming situation has forced our leaders, businesses and Malaysians in general to embrace unprecedented measures. Nonetheless, this time around, we are more aware of what a lockdown feels like, having been in this exact situation before. For a behavioural standpoint, people are not panic buying. Malaysians in general are aware of their actions and compliant to the rules and regulations of #MCO2.0.
That being said, there are still many lingering questions and uncertainties to deal with. How long with this last? Are we going to break the chain this time around? Am I doing enough? What is the future going to be like? Will we ever return back to normal? When exactly can we get the vaccines here in Malaysia? All of these and so many questions linger in our minds. Though we don’t have concrete answers to any of these, one thing we can all do is to live one day at a time. In this article, we will explore some of the many ways we can deal with yet another lockdown.
Stay in touch with everyone, safely
Social distancing and self-isolation is a challenge. While we can’t replace the value of face-to-face interactions, we can take comfort knowing that we’re all in the same boat. There are many ways to look out for each other while working around such circumstances.
Use the phone and if possible, gather a group of people to stay in touch with. During last year’s lockdown, to help curb the boredom and loneliness among my pals, I rounded up a few friends for a series of quizzes via Zoom. This turned out to be a great idea as it not only allowed us to pass time but, it helped us check-in with each other, brighten up the mood while keeping a positive mindset.
If you’ve got friends living on their own, family members who are feeling lonely, or neighbours who need a helping hand, don’t be a stranger. Showing genuine interest in other and social interactions – even virtually can help reduce loneliness. As a community, let’s reach out and offer whatever help we can to those that need it. And, if we do need some support for ourselves, don’t be afraid to ask.
As much as possible, stay active

Whether it’s a 20-minute home workout or a 10-minute jog around your neighbourhood, having a physical activity will positively contribute to your overall well-being and mental health. Fire up YouTube and follow along with YouTubers the likes of The Body Coach TV. Famously known as P.E Joe, he shares weekly home workouts to help you get stronger, healthier and happier in the comfort of your home. On a local front, you could also subscribe to Joanna Soh’s channel in which you can learn workout tips at home, as well as learning to keep a healthy diet, with a local twist.
Studies suggest that running for 15 minutes a day or walking for an hour reduces the risk of major depression, decreasing symptoms of issues such as loneliness, anxiety and depression. It goes without saying that this of course needs to be done in accordance with social distancing rules and guidelines by the authorities.
Keep your mind active

While some of us might be experiencing pandemic fatigue, it is important to always keep your mind active. Studies have shown that keeping your mind active and engaged will also help in handling the stress of the continuing pandemic. So, if you’re the kind who was interested in learning how to whip up the sensational Dalgona coffee or fluffy Japanese pancakes during the first lockdown, you might already be looking for other things to try out throughout the current lockdown. These simple things are able to keep your mind curious while you’re confined at home.
In addition to testing viral recipes from Tik Tok, there are plenty of ways to keep your mind active. Simple activities can keep your mind active – picking up a book, crossword puzzles, signing up for an online course, learning to play a new musical instrument or even gardening are some great yet easy ways to boost your brainpower. Aside from that, now may be the perfect time for meditating, practising gratitude and journaling. Living in the moment and being thankful for what we often take for granted or overlook will be extremely beneficial.
Declutter your home

While it might seem like a low-priority activity for some, many anecdotal evidence suggests that decluttering can have a positive impact on how we feel, especially when our homes have now turned into both our personal and workspace. Being organized can give us a sense of control of our space. It has also been highlighted that our brains can process information more clearly and efficiently in an organized space.
Take stock of what you have, then ask yourself, what is important and why do you need it? Once you have prioritized what you need and must have, take the rest that is not needed and remove it from the space. Depending on the quality and usability of the item, donate them to charity or even recycling centers. If they are off-limits for now, choose a space to store those items just make sure that they won’t be in your sight.
While we keep safe at home, having a space that provides a sense of stability and calmness. It creates a predictable environment that helps us feel less stressed, less overwhelmed, and more in control.
As we journey through this lockdown, let’s also remember that it isn’t a time for perfection. Things will continue to be uncertain and we are nowhere near normality. While this article gives you some tips in dealing with yet another lockdown, you might not be able to practice each and every one of it (and that’s okay!). As we’ve shared earlier, we’re all in this together and in the famous words of J.K. Rowling, “We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.” #staysafe #stayhome #kitajagakita.