Even someone who loves to fly might balk at the 19-hour duration of the world’s current longest flight (from Sydney to New York). Any flight over 7 hours, however, is considered long haul and can mean hours of discomfort.
We’ll give you some top tips for long haul flight to make it less of an endurance test and more of an enjoyable part of your trip.
Top tips to survive a long flight
Book a good seat in advance
The first of our long haul flight tips is don’t wait until check-in to get wedged in the middle seat, reserve your seat in advance to ensure you get what you want. This is our top tip for how to prepare for a long haul flight.

Go for emergency exit rows if you want more leg-room. Head to the back of the plane if you want to avoid babies crying (babies will often be seated towards the front of the plane on international flights). Pick an aisle seat if you want to keep as active as possible or get to the bathroom quickly. Finally, choose the window seat if you want to watch the world pass by from 35,000 feet above the ground.
READ MORE: How to upgrade your flight to business class
Wear something comfortable
Plane seats aren’t the most comfortable of places to spend a lengthy amount of time so don’t make it worse by wearing fancy clothes at the expense of your comfort on a long haul flight. It’s a better idea to wear something loose and comfortable. Skin-tight leggings with a waistband might look great but you might be less of a fan after wearing them for 13 hours straight.
Wearing layers is a good idea. Even if you plan on basking in the sunshine at your destination, remember that the air conditioning on planes can sometimes be too much! Layering up means you’ll be prepared for all temperature conditions. Easy to slip off and on shoes are also a good idea for trips to the bathroom and are one of our favourite long haul flight tips and tricks.
Bring your own food
The next of our long flight tips regards food. Plane food has a reputation, and it’s not a good one. Even if you don’t mind the re-heated dinners it’s a good idea to bring your own stash of snacks onboard your long haul flight in case you get peckish between servings. Travelling between time-zones and being handed a tray of dinner at breakfast-time can be confusing for the stomach. Keep it happy with some familiar foods from home.

Keep active
If you’re stuck for what to do on long haul flights – keep active. Whilst this sounds like a surprising suggestion for a sedentary activity like flying, there are ways to keep yourself moving on your long haul flight. Walking up and down the aisles can help you stretch your legs. Leg and arm exercises in your seat are another alternative. Some airlines even provide an ‘exercise video’ as part of their inflight entertainment selection. Moving around doesn’t just help you enjoy a pleasant flying experience, it also keeps your circulation moving to prevent serious conditions like DVT (deep vein thrombosis) which can occur on a long haul flight.
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Drink a lot
Airplane cabin air is extremely dry so it’s important to stay hydrated on a long haul flight. Avoid having too much alcohol, tea or coffee as these might contribute to, rather than help, the problem. Ensure you drink plenty of water, though guzzling it down is not ideal (your neighbours won’t thank you for countless bathroom breaks). It’s a good idea to bring your own bottle on board so you can drink at your leisure and not just when the cabin crew does their water rounds.

Some travelers also experience dry skin during a long haul flight, so pop some moisturizer or a facemask in your carry-on to combat these effects. Eye drops may be useful too if you find your eyes become scratchy during a flight.
Enjoy yourself
Though more airlines are providing in-flight wifi, in most cases, flying will be one of the few occasions where we are connection free. Make the most of this time away from notifications on your long haul flight to really enjoy a good movie. If your airline won’t have a good selection, plan ahead and download that Oscar-winner you’ve been meaning to watch but never found the time for. You can check airline reviews or even the airline’s website itself for an idea of the entertainment available.

Pick a good airline
Not all airlines offer passengers the same in terms of service and this becomes more important for long haul flights. Another tip for how to survive long haul flights is to do some research online before you fly to get details and customer feedback. Ideally, you should find airlines whose seats are a width of greater than 17 inches and that offer a comprehensive (and complimentary) food and drink service. Leg-room measurements might be another point to investigate if you are particularly tall or find planes a little claustrophobic.
According to the 2019 annual Skytrax World Airline awards, Norwegian airline is the best low-cost long-haul airline. Qatar Airways, Singapore Airlines and Thai Airways are also among the top ten.
Sleep as much as you can!

Even if you get absorbed by the best movies inflight entertainment can offer, nothing will make a long haul flight pass more quickly and effortlessly than sleeping. Essentials like ear-plugs and a sleep-mask can help you forget that you’re even flying at all. Though most airlines will provide a blanket and pillow, it can be worth purchasing your own for added comfort.
Bring toiletries (liquids must be 3.4oz / 100ml or less) like toothpaste or a facewash to help you freshen up before you sleep and prior to landing so you reach your destination ready to face the day.
What to do on a long flight?
Your 13-hour trip needn’t be something you endure before you reach your destination. Follow our long haul flight tips above to get your vacation started as soon as you get on the plane.