Hotel stays are a part of any vacation itinerary regardless of whether it is family travel, friends group, or solo vacation. Many chose hotels with swimming pools, terrace restaurants, infinity pools and more. In our eagerness to enjoy the amenities, it can lead to swimming pool injuries, which ruin a trip or worse.
The choice of hotels depends on your budget — availability of rooms and travel time. Most hotels nowadays have swimming pools, they may differ in size, but most properties now have one. The swimming pool is open for guests, and you can swim there to relax and have fun with your family.
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Swimming pools are a great amenity, but you must ensure safety around pools for yourself, your kids, and other family members. The excitement of being on vacation should not lead to any damage or injuries to the members. This article mentions some safety tips to prevent injuries in a hotel swimming pool.

What to do in the case of swimming pool injuries?
Regardless of their size and guest capacity, most hotels do not have a lifeguard in the swimming pools. The security guards are around, and guests will only enter the swimming area when they know about swimming. However, you need to ensure safety from your end and prevent injuries.
Despite the safety measure, you can claim compensation if you get injured on the hotel premises. The most common swimming pool injuries or accidents are drowning, cuts, and wounds due to broken tiles. You may even want to reach out to a personal injury attorney to discuss the legal possibilities and claim process. The attorneys can help you cover the medical expenses, loss of wages, pain, mental trauma, and all the damage related to the accident. In addition, discussing the case with a lawyer will help you understand the various rights as a traveller in the state; the lawyer will look through your insurance papers and proceed with the right course of action, keeping the legalities in mind.

Safety measures to prevent hotel swimming pool injuries
As parents or adults in the group, it is critical to understand that keeping safety is not one person’s job. Instead, everyone in the group must know the safety tips. So, ensure that you teach your children and other members about these measures to enjoy a problem-free vacation.
Ensure supervision
The main purpose of a vacation is to enjoy and relax. It is the same for kids and adults. So when you have kids with you who want to swim in the pool, you should ensure parental supervision. The hotel water area is open for all the guests; therefore, you must keep a close eye on your kids. You can use simple ideas to keep a check on the kids while also enjoying yourself. If you and your partner are both present, discuss with each other how you both will rotate the duties for the water watcher. In addition, you can give your child a floatation device but do not completely rely on the device. Tell your children to call for help as soon as they feel uncomfortable in the water.
Wear non-slip shoes
Wearing the right gear around the water area is a critical safety measure that can prevent many injuries. There is water around the swimming pool area, even when the cleaning staff keeps wiping it off. People enter and leave the pool often, so it is natural for water to spill around in the area. The best way is to wear non-slip shoes and walk slowly around the pool to prevent slip and fall injuries.
Do not mix alcohol and swimming
Many people tend to swim after getting drunk, which is one of the main reasons for drowning or other pool-related injuries. You must ensure that you do not intake alcohol before entering the pool. The presence of excess alcohol in your body can numb your senses; thus, it makes it difficult to respond in troubling situations. You may have issues while coming out of the pool or using your hands and legs as effectively.
Prepare for the worst.
The most important safety measure is to prepare for the worst. You must understand that no matter how safely you move around, there can be injuries at any time for various reasons. The surroundings also play a major role. So, it is best to prepare for the worst and always carry a full first-aid kit with you on your vacation. It should consist of ice packs, antiseptic, scissors, bandages, gloves, etc.

Any other tips on how to prevent hotel swimming pool injuries?
All the guests mostly use swimming pools as part of their recreational vacation activity. Studies suggest that many people get injured while in the waters; therefore, we have put together a list of safety measures to prevent injuries while you are on your vacation.
If you have any other tips that would help prevent or minimise swimming pool injuries, please share them in the comments for us to include.