Should you take weight loss medication when you travel?
Heading out on vacation should be all about excitement, relaxation, and the chance to enjoy the fruits of your labour. But when you’re trying to lose weight, the prospect of some time away can be daunting.
Whatever your destination, you’re bound to be surrounded by a host of tasty new treats, the likes of which you’ve never had the chance to sample before.
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At the same time, when you’re trying to fit in as much as possible during your trip, fast food is always going to be an easy and cheap option, and simple to find whenever you’re ready to take a quick pit stop.
Not only is your carefully arranged meal plan likely to be put to the test, but your workout habits are also likely to be disrupted. Away from your gym or your home equipment, it can be hard to keep up with regular exercise.
Luckily, this doesn’t need to be the case at all. Not only can prescription weight loss medication support your nutrition and exercise plan at home, but it can also help fend off the disruptive elements of time away, and it’s perfectly safe to travel with them.
Why is it hard to lose weight while travelling?

The importance of routines in weight loss success can’t be understated. Setting a routine helps to make healthy behaviours automatic. When you’re travelling these routines are quickly interrupted, whether it’s your morning walk or the weekly trip to the health food store.
Likewise, managing what you eat can be even more important than managing how much you eat. Away from home, especially if you’re abroad, it can be much harder to determine the nutritional value of what’s on the menu.
Finally, studies have found that exercising first thing in the morning, before you eat, can be the most effective time to work out. But this can be almost impossible when you’re suffering jet lag or sleeping in an unfamiliar environment.
Weight loss medication when travelling
Revolutionary new weight loss medications like Wegovy and Saxenda work by helping you feel fuller for longer and less hungry. This can be vital in resisting unhealthy temptations when you’re away.
Both medications are intended for long-term use, and their astonishing effects are best felt when you continue to take them at the same time every day or week.
Luckily, Saxenda and Wegovy pens are small and easy to travel with and have been approved by the FAA to be brought on board a plane in your carry-on luggage, so they can go straight to the top of your holiday packing list.
Stick to a balanced plan

These medications, and their extraordinary benefits, can help you stay on track while you’re away and keep you motivated.
But it’s still important to remember they’re just one part of a successful plan to help maintain weight loss on the road.
Pack your own healthy snacks for the plane, make the most of any fitness facilities at your accommodation, and pick your meals out based on what’s good for you rather than what’s convenient or cost-effective.
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Deciding to embark on a weight loss journey is about making positive changes in your life. It should be something that allows you to enjoy life’s pleasures to the fullest. That should never mean avoiding something as wonderful as taking a vacation or exploring somewhere new.
Likewise, heading out on an adventure shouldn’t mean giving up on your efforts to change your life for the better. You shouldn’t need to take a few steps backwards just because you’ve taken some time away from home.
Fortunately, neither of these conundrums are puzzles that we need to deal with anymore. A balanced plan that combines cutting-edge science with healthy routines can be taken with you wherever you go.