Have you ever anxiously awaited your bag emerging on the belt through the security scanning machine? Were you worried that your home-cooked sausage sandwich might somehow be against the law thinking can you bring food on a plane? Or that you might not be able to take through the cake you lovingly baked as a gift for the relatives that you are visiting? You are not alone!
In this article, we’ll have a look at the general information available to help you understand this better and ensure you pack the right kind of in-flight snack.
Can you bring food through airport security?
Can you bring food on a plane? The short answer is yes, nearly all food is allowed on a flight! It gets tricky when it comes to liquid-, where it could fall foul of the standard liquid regulations that govern air travel. A TSA spokesperson has said, “If you can spill it, spread, spray it, pump it, or pour it, then it’s considered a liquid or gel”.
If your meal or snack is classed as a liquid, then you’ll need to adhere to the 3-1-1 liquids rule. All liquids, pastes, gels, aerosols or creams that are in your carry-on luggage must be 100 ml or under and must be able to fit inside one-quart size reusable bags. Only one bag is permitted per passenger.

Even if you abide by these regulations, be aware you might have to undergo some additional rounds of security checks if your packed-lunch appears to the airport security team.
Can you bring food on a plane: Is my food a liquid?
Whilst some types of food (like soup) is quite clearly a liquid, others are less obvious. We’ll cover some of the key ambiguous items you might be considering packing in your cabin bags.
- Cans, bottles and jars – Jellies, jams, honey, salsa or anything similar that resembles a dip or spread will definitely need to adhere to the liquid regulations. Your precious tub of hummus will either need to be 100 ml or less or be safely stowed away into your checked baggage.
- Spreads and cheese – Similarly, spreads like peanut butter or Nutella will be caught by regulations, so will cream cheese. Solid cheese and solid chocolate, however, are acceptable in any quantities. Don’t worry, your chunk of cheddar and milky bar are safe on-board snacks.

- Meat, fish, seafood and eggs – Meats, fish, and seafood are okay to bring on board as long as they are frozen and packed properly. Some airlines have specific rules about bringing meat and seafood on-board. It is important to keep any unpleasant smells at bay for the sake of your fellow travelers. Surprisingly, eggs are also not covered under liquids legislation, even if they are not hard-boiled. While many airports may not have an exact limit on the amount you can bring through, they do have the right to stop anyone they believe is bringing through enough to resell, because of import taxes, so do not try to test the limits by buying way too much.
- Cakes and pies – Your puddings are safe! Even jam-filled donuts are not subject to liquid laws.

Whilst there’s clearly an array of items you can bring on board with you, it is important to bear in mind that as with all cabin luggage, all on-board food needs to be in line with the airline’s carry-on weight restrictions. Some foods may be acceptable in small quantities, but a large amount could tip you over the cabin weight restrictions. Can you bring snacks on a plane? Of course, you can but in reasonable amounts.
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What happens if your liquid food is over the limit?
Now you have a clearer idea of what is and what isn’t allowed if you get peckish in flight, but what would happen if you accidentally forgot to transfer your big jar of peanut butter from your carry-on to your check-in luggage?
Though it may scupper your plans of having a peanut butter sandwich in the airport lounge, the good news is that you’ll probably just have to leave that jar behind at the departure airport. So, don’t panic over the thought of can I bring food on a plane. Plan ahead and even if you miss out a certain detail and something goes wrong- the worst that’ll happen is they will take away your food and throw it. You are unlikely to face a fine.
Reaching your destination
We’ve found that while there aren’t too many restrictions on what you can take on board as far as you bring in reasonable amounts for personal consumption. However, be aware that it might not be quite the same story once you reach your destination if you are traveling internationally.

If you have an international trip planned, and you are wondering- can I bring food on a plane international flight! Fret not, we have you covered. Rules vary from country to country, with some being notoriously strict to some being quite lenient. Meat products are sometimes forbidden to pass through customs and fruit and vegetables are rarely permitted to cross the border.
- In Australia, for example, you could be fined 300 Australian dollars if you bring fruits, dry fruits or sweets into the country and forget to declare it.
- In Singapore, you are allowed to bring in up to 5 kgs of meat products but only from destinations/sources approved by the Singapore Food Agency.
- Can you take food on a plane in China? Most raw food items are prohibited in China. You can bring in packaged food in reasonable quantities intended for consumption on flight.
- In the US, you are not allowed to bring in most fresh fruits and vegetables as they can be carriers of pests.
- Can you bring food on a plane if you are travelling back to the UK? You can’t bring meat or meat products, milk and dairy products or potatoes into the UK from outside the EU.
- In India, solid food items, including fruits, dry fruits and dry salads can be carried easily but food with a high liquid content like curries or sauces is only allowed in containers of 100 ml regardless of the quantity inside.
So, unless you’ve checked your destination country’s rules thoroughly, make sure you’ve gobbled up all your snacks before the wheels touch the tarmac on the other side! And, you won’t have to worry about can you take food through airport security.
Can I bring food on a plane?
The good news is that a lot of food items and snacks are perfectly acceptable and won’t set off any security alarms. Just ensure you’ve checked the rules of your destination and that you abide by the set norms and regulations.