HomeTravel CommunityThe ultimate guide to the best destinations for Digital Nomads in 2024

The ultimate guide to the best destinations for Digital Nomads in 2024

As the trend of remote work continues to grow, more professionals are choosing to live the digital nomad lifestyle. This offers the freedom to work from anywhere while exploring new cultures and environments. If you’re considering joining this movement, here are the top five destinations for digital nomads in 2024:

  • Bali
  • Lisbon
  • Medellín
  • Chiang Mai
  • Tallinn

These cities provide excellent internet connectivity, affordable living costs, and vibrant lifestyles. We’ll explore each destination’s unique offerings, visa requirements, coworking spaces, and accommodation options to help you make an informed decision.

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Bali: A tropical haven for remote workers

Bali is on every digital nomads list out there and so it made ours too
Bali is on every digital nomads list out there and so it made ours too

Internet connectivity and cost of living

Bali is a long-time favourite among digital nomads, and for good reason. The island boasts reliable internet connectivity, especially in popular areas like Canggu and Ubud. The cost of living is relatively low, with affordable accommodation, food, and transportation options.

Lifestyle amenities

Bali offers a unique blend of work and leisure. You can start your day with a productive session at a coworking space, followed by a surf lesson or yoga class in the afternoon. The island’s wellness-oriented lifestyle is a major draw for many remote workers.

Visa requirements

Indonesia offers a “Social-Cultural Visa,” which allows you to stay in Bali for up to six months. This visa requires sponsorship from an Indonesian citizen or organization. Many digital nomads use visa agents to simplify the process.

Coworking spaces and accommodation

Popular coworking spaces in Bali include Hubud in Ubud and Dojo in Canggu. These spaces provide high-speed internet, comfortable workstations, and a community of like-minded professionals. For accommodation, you can find affordable villas and guesthouses on platforms like Airbnb and Booking.com.

Lisbon: Europe’s digital nomad hub

Portugal offers great food, good cost of living and more for digital nomads in 2024
Portugal offers great food, good cost of living and more for digital nomads in 2024

Internet connectivity and cost of living

Lisbon has emerged as one of Europe’s top remote work destinations. The city offers excellent internet speeds and a relatively low cost of living compared to other Western European capitals. You’ll find plenty of affordable dining and accommodation options.

Lifestyle amenities

Lisbon’s vibrant culture, historic neighbourhoods, and beautiful coastline make it an attractive place to live and work. The city’s pleasant weather and friendly locals add to its appeal.

Visa requirements

Portugal offers the D7 Passive Income Visa, which is suitable for digital nomads with a stable income. This visa requires proof of sufficient funds to support yourself during your stay.

Coworking spaces and accommodation

Some of the best coworking spaces in Lisbon include Second Home and LACS. These spaces offer a creative environment, high-speed internet, and networking opportunities. For accommodation, consider staying in neighbourhoods like Alfama, Bairro Alto, or Chiado, where you’ll find a mix of short-term rentals and serviced apartments.

Medellín: A South American gem

You may not know that the city of Medellin is a great place for digital nomads
You may not know that the city of Medellin is a great place for digital nomads

Internet connectivity and cost of living

Medellín, Colombia, is known for its affordability and excellent internet connectivity. The city’s “EPM” public utility company provides reliable internet services, making it easy for remote workers to stay connected.

Lifestyle amenities

Medellín offers a pleasant climate, often referred to as the “City of Eternal Spring.” The city is surrounded by mountains, providing ample opportunities for outdoor activities. The local culture is vibrant and welcoming, with plenty of cafes, restaurants, and cultural events to enjoy.

Visa requirements

Colombia offers a “Migrant (M) Visa,” which is suitable for remote workers and can be extended up to three years. You’ll need to provide proof of income and health insurance to apply.

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Coworking spaces and accommodation

Popular coworking spaces in Medellín include Selina and El Poblado. These spaces provide high-speed internet, meeting rooms, and community events. For accommodation, neighbourhoods like El Poblado and Laureles offer a range of options from budget-friendly hostels to upscale apartments.

Chiang Mai: A budget-friendly paradise

Chiang Mai brings you the comfort of Thailand without the craziness and is one of the best remote work destinations
Chiang Mai brings you the comfort of Thailand without the craziness and is one of the best remote work destinations

Internet connectivity and cost of living

Chiang Mai, Thailand, is a top destination for remote work due to its affordability and reliable internet connectivity. You can easily find affordable food, accommodation, and transportation, making it an ideal location for budget-conscious remote workers.

Lifestyle amenities

Chiang Mai’s laid-back lifestyle and rich cultural heritage are major attractions. The city is known for its numerous temples, night markets, and street food. Additionally, the surrounding mountains offer great opportunities for hiking and exploring nature.

Visa requirements

Thailand offers a “Tourist Visa” which can be extended for up to nine months. Additionally, the “SMART Visa” is available for professionals in specific industries, allowing a longer stay with fewer restrictions.

Coworking spaces and accommodation

Top coworking spaces in Chiang Mai include Punspace and CAMP. These spaces offer fast internet, comfortable workstations, and networking events. For accommodation, you can find affordable apartments and guesthouses in neighbourhoods like Nimmanhaemin and the Old City.

Tallinn: The digital nomad’s Baltic retreat

If you want to stay in Europe, then check out Tallin for great infrastructure and competitive cost of living
If you want to stay in Europe, then check out Tallin for great infrastructure and competitive cost of living

Internet connectivity and cost of living

Tallinn, Estonia, is renowned for its digital infrastructure, offering some of the fastest internet speeds in the world. Your daily costs are moderate, making it an attractive destination for remote workers looking for a European base.

Lifestyle amenities

Tallinn’s medieval charm, combined with modern amenities, creates a unique living experience. The city offers a mix of historic architecture, vibrant cultural scenes, and a thriving tech community.

Visa requirements

Estonia has introduced the “Digital Nomad Visa,” allowing remote workers to stay for up to one year. This visa requires proof of employment and sufficient income.

Coworking spaces and accommodation

Popular coworking spaces in Tallinn include Lift99 and Spring Hub. These spaces provide a conducive work environment, high-speed internet, and networking opportunities. For accommodation, the Old Town and Kalamaja districts offer a range of options from historic apartments to modern rentals.

Tips for maintaining work-life balance

  1. Set a Routine: Establish a daily schedule that includes designated work hours and breaks. This helps maintain productivity while ensuring you have time to explore your surroundings.
  2. Choose the Right Workspace: Select coworking spaces or cafes with a comfortable atmosphere and reliable internet. A good work environment can significantly boost your efficiency.
  3. Stay Active: Incorporate physical activities into your routine. Whether it’s a morning run, yoga session, or evening walk, staying active helps keep your mind and body healthy.
  4. Connect with Others: Engage with the local community and fellow digital nomads. Networking can lead to new opportunities and friendships.
  5. Prioritize Self-Care: Make time for relaxation and self-care. Whether it’s through meditation, reading, or exploring new hobbies, taking care of yourself is essential for long-term success.

Checklist for aspiring Digital Nomads

  1. Research Destinations: Evaluate potential destinations based on internet connectivity, cost of living, lifestyle amenities, and visa requirements.
  2. Secure a Reliable Income: Ensure you have a stable source of income that supports your remote work lifestyle.
  3. Get the Right Visa: Check visa requirements and apply for the appropriate visa for your chosen destination.
  4. Find Suitable Accommodation: Book accommodation in advance, considering factors like proximity to coworking spaces and local amenities.
  5. Pack Wisely: Bring essential items that support your work and lifestyle needs. This includes a reliable laptop, travel adapters, and any necessary work equipment.
  6. Stay Insured: Ensure you have adequate health insurance that covers you while abroad.
  7. Plan Your Budget: Create a budget that covers living expenses, travel costs, and emergency funds.
  8. Stay Connected: Keep in touch with family, friends, and professional networks through regular communication.
  9. Embrace Flexibility: Be prepared to adapt to new environments and changes in your routine.
  10. Enjoy the Journey: Embrace the experiences and opportunities that come with the digital nomad lifestyle.

Choosing the right destination can make all the difference in your digital nomad journey. Whether you prefer the tropical charm of Bali, the historical allure of Lisbon, the energetic vibe of Medellín, the cultural richness of Chiang Mai, or the digital haven of Tallinn, each of these cities offers unique advantages that cater to remote work. Happy travels and productive work!

Terng loves to travel and counts Southeast Asia as his home. From weekend getaways to business trips, he is a frequent traveller and loves it. A place he longs to visit but hasn’t been to yet is Mexico, where he plans to eat tacos 24/7.


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